Labour Market Information
Make informed decisions about career pathways, employment, education, training, business, and economic development.

| What is a labour market?
The labour market relates to the exchange of work between a group of employers and a group of workers. Employers represent job demand (number of jobs available). Workers represent job supply (number of individuals available to work).
Changes in demand and supply can be influenced by demographics, business activity, and education and impacts wages, benefits, and opportunities.
| What is Labour Market Information?
Labour market information (LMI) is the data collected from labour market research such as the number of people currently employed, the number of people looking for work, the number of jobs available, projections on future job availability, top industries, top occupations, top employers, wages, education, training, and more. In Canada, LMI is organized into three groups: occupation, industry, and geography.
| Who should explore LMI?
Decision makers!
> Job Seekers > Newcomers > Students and Parents
> Employers > Employees > Entrepreneurs
> Business Owners > Managers > Community Leaders
> Educators > Career Counsellors > Guidance Counsellors
LMI will help you make informed choices about careers, education pathways, staffing, professional advancements, community development, and strengthening our local economy.

Indigenous Labour Market Platform
This platform allows users to view real-time changes in Indigenous labour markets. Access the platform.

Job Demand Reports
Find information such as top hiring employers in the region, key job requirements, jobs that are in demand. View last month’s report
| What LMI should you explore and why?
Explore occupations using the National Occupation Classification System (NOCS) to:
- Find out what jobs are growing or declining
- Find out what skills and education are required for an occupation
- Discover job titles and job descriptions that may interest you — great for people considering education and careers or employers creating new jobs
- Search for jobs based on a specific NOCS code (Job Bank can search jobs by NOCS)
- Gain insight on workforce supply and demand to guide the development of new training programs and courses
- Help students and employment service clients to see opportunities and trends in uncertain time
Explore industries using the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) to:
- Find out how if an industry is growing or slowing down — this will help if you determine if your education investment or long-term career goals are sustainable
- Find information that helps with business planning and forecasting (employers can explore information found under their NAICS code)
Consider local wages using the Job Bank’s trend analysis tool to:
- Determine how much money you can make
- Set a fair or competitive wage for an occupation
- Forecasting a budget for your employees
- Ensure worker compensation is at a level that will help retain staff
| Questions?
Our local Workforce Development Board can answer any LMI questions you have about skills in demand, worker demographics, occupation wages, and more! E-mail your questions to or call 705-749-3250.
If you have general questions about finding work, choosing a career, or posting a job, click on the ‘Live Chat‘ button at the right of your screen.