Complaint Resolution Process for Clients

Do you have a complaint?
Our Complaint Resolution Process involves three levels – an informal complaint, a formal complaint and an elevated formal complaint. Clients must start the complaint process at Level One.
Level One
Speak directly with Employment Service Provider management staff about your complaint. This can be done by phone, e-mail, in writing, or in person.
Management staff will review the complaint and determine a resolution, which will be provided to you in writing by e-mail or mail. You will be asked to confirm in writing that you have received the decision. At that time, you can choose to accept the decision or escalate the complaint to the next level of submitting a Formal Complaint (Level 2).
Level Two
If you do not agree with the decision of a Level One complaint, you can file a formal complaint with Muskoka-Kawarthas Employment Services (MKES). This can be done by completing the MKES Formal Complaint form found on this page or by requesting an electronic or paper form by e-mail at
The MKES Service Delivery and Quality Specialist will review the complaint and notify the Service Provider that a formal complaint was made. The Service Delivery and Quality Specialist will communicate their decision to you and the Service Provider in writing by e-mail or mail. You will be asked to confirm in writing that you have received the decision.
At that time, you can choose to accept the decision or escalate the complaint to the next level (Level Three).
Level Three
If you do not agree with the decision in Level Two, you can make an elevated formal complaint that will be reviewed by a panel.
The panel will consist of three representatives from two Service Providers located outside the community, who are without a declared conflict of interest with the Client or the Service Provider/employer in question, and the MKES Director of Workforce Development.
The review panel will make a final decision about your complaint, which will be communicated to you in writing by e-mail or mail.
You will be asked to confirm in writing that you have received the final decision.
If you have questions about the Complaint Resolution Process or need help completing a form, please e-mail or call 1-866-353-3536.