Serving the City of Kawartha Lakes for 20+ years

Reach your employment goals with our free and personalized services!

Our tailored support helps job seekers find meaningful work:
- Job search
- Cover letter and resume writing
- Interview preparation
- Career planning
- Career, skills and interests assessments
- Employability skills training
- Government-funded career training and skill development such as the Better Jobs Ontario program (formerly Second Career)
- Understanding labour market information and how to explore careers
- Accessibility in the workplace

We help employers save money and increase job retention by helping them find, hire and train employees:
- Post a job on our job board
- Hiring support includes job matching, screening job applicants, interview preparation, and onboarding
- Employee retention programs
- Labour market information and job descriptions
- Accommodations in the workplace
- Building inclusive and diverse workplaces
- Land Acknowledgement and Indigenous resources
- Wage subsidies
- Access to the Canada-Ontario Job Grant and other government-funded training and skill development opportunities for employees
You can rely on employment service providers to:
- know the local labour market
- help individuals with career planning, switching careers, or transitioning out of poverty
- help job seekers find work, prepare a resume, prepare for an interview, develop skills and support their journey through their first year of a new job
- help employers find workers, enhance hiring and onboarding processes, deliver skills training to staff, and retain employees
- offer government-funded programs
- help with accessibility needs
- work with specialized supports and community organizations to provide clients with wrap-around service
- unite workers, employers, and community organizations for a stronger community.
Contact us in the City and County of Peterborough today!

705-328-0180 or
Whitney Town Centre, 370 Kent St. W., Lindsay
(Website is temporarily unavailable, please e-mail or call)

33 Lindsay St. S., Unit A, Lindsay
Brings together people who have a disability to find and keep a good job.

315 Reid St., Peterborough
CHS is a provider of services, products, and education that empower the Deaf and hard of hearing to overcome barriers to employment participation.

New Client Christmas Draw!
| Job Boards
| Upcoming Events
Employer Lunch & Networking: Navigating the Changing Labour Market for Retention Success
January 22 | 12 pm – 1:30 pm
370 Kent St. W., Lindsay
Register with VCCS
Getting Ahead Workshop
February 10 to April 4, 2025
Every Tuesday and Friday from 10 a.m. – 2 p.m.
Lunch is provided. Get $25 per session to help with your costs to take this free workshop.
Register with VCCS
12 different 2-hour workshops to choose from. Delivered online or in-person.
Learn more
| Employment Programs
Community Resources in the City of Kawartha Lakes
211 Community Support
Easily find/search government and community-based services. Call or text 2-1-1 day or night to find support for all of life’s challenges. Live chat is also available Monday to Friday from 7 a.m. to 9 p.m.
Kawartha Haliburton Victim Services
Emotional and practical support to victims of crime and tragedy via phone, on-scene, and in office – 24/7.
705-878-5505 | 1-800-574-4401 | |
Canadian Cancer Society
We offer support and information for people with cancer and their family, friends and caregivers.
1-888-939-3333 |
Central East Health Line
A regularly updated directory of health services in the City of Kawartha Lakes.
Four Counties Addiction Services Team (Fourcast)
Out-patient services for individuals and/or family with addiction. Serving the counties of Peterborough, Northumberland, Haliburton, and the City of Kawartha Lakes.
705-328-1888 | |
Ross Memorial Hospital
RMH offers a wide variety of acute and continuing care services.
1-800-510-7365 |
Kawartha Lakes Food Source
Kawartha Lakes Food Source is a central distribution centre which supplies food to member organizations that provide food to individuals in need. We do not distribute food at our office. Please click the link for a list of food banks in the City of Kawartha Lakes.
705-324-0707 |
Used Clothing and Household Items
Salvation Army Thrift Store
Low-cost clothing and goods.
30 Peel St, Lindsay | 705-324-7771
Salvation Army Thrift Store
Low-cost clothing and goods.
91 Murray St, Fenelon Falls | 705-887-1490
A Place Called Home (APCH)
Since 1995, A Place Called Home has been support homeless men, women and families with children in the City of Kawartha Lakes and County of Haliburton.
705-328-0905 | |
Aboriginal Housing
To provide safe and affordable housing to urban and rural First Nation, Inuit, and Métis people living off-Reserve in Ontario.
866-391-1061 | |
City of Kawartha Lakes Community Housing
KLH Housing Corporation – Affordable rental housing for seniors, adults and families in the City of Kawartha Lakes and the County of Haliburton, including people with special social, physical, developmental and psychological needs.
1-877-324-9870 | |
Women’s Resources of Kawartha Lakes
Victoria’s Womens Shelter – an 18 bed emergency shelter for women and their children who are fleeing abuse. Amy’s Next Step Housing – short-term supportive housing and affordable housing for women and their children who are re-building their lives after abuse.
1-800-565-5350 | |
Women’s Shelters Canada
Connects women fleeing violence to shelters, 24/7.
613-680-5119 | |
Kawartha Lakes – Transit Service
Public bus service and wheelchair accessible bus service: Lindsay Transit – Ride Smart – regular bus service. LIMO Specialized Transit – a door to door service for people with a documented health or mobility issue. To register for this service, call 705 324 3331.
1-888-822-2225 | |
City of Kawartha Lakes Social Services
Administers the Ontario Works (OW) program and Children’s Services in Kawartha Lakes and Haliburton County.
Ontario Works provides financial and employment assistance to people in need. Children’s Services staff ensure that quality, stable and affordable childcare is available to residents of the City of Kawartha Lakes and Haliburton County.
1-877-324-9870 |
Four County Crisis Response
24-hour, confidential crisis support via phone, outreach, email and chat online – 24/7. Ages 16 and up.
1-866-995-9933 or 705-745-6484 |
Hope for Wellness Help Line
Immediate support for emotional distress. Telephone and online counselling are available in English, French, Cree, Ojibway, and Inuktitut.
855-242-3310 |
New Canadians Centre
Free and confidential services for immigrants and refugees living in Peterborough, Northumberland, Kawartha Lakes and Haliburton. Community connections, employment support, immigration and settlement, English as a Second Language, and additional support services.
705-743-0882 | |
Support for pregnant women & parents with young children facing challenges like low income, single parenting, etc.
705-457-1742 |
Women’s Resources of Kawartha Lakes
Outreach Services – supportive, one-to-one counselling for women who have experienced past abuse or are experiencing current abuse.
1-800-565-5350 |
Aboriginal Housing
To provide safe and affordable housing to urban and rural First Nation, Inuit, and Métis people living off-Reserve in Ontario.
866-391-1061 | |
Cambium Aboriginal
Cambium Aboriginal Inc. provides Environmental Services, Community Energy Planning Services, Climate Change/Adaptation Services, Waste Management, Duty to Consult and Accommodate Requests, Project Management, Infrastructure Management Services.
705-657-1126 | |
Dnaagdawenmag Binnoojiiyag Child & Family Services
A multi-service Indigenous wellbeing agency, providing a stable foundation for children, youth, and families, through wraparound services that are culturally-based and family-focused.
705-295-7135 or 1-877-523-2237 | |
Enaahtig Healing Lodge and Learning Centre
The Enaahtig Healing Lodge and Learning Centre is established to provide opportunities for holistic healing and learning based on the principals of Aboriginal culture, to individuals and families in a safe environment in order to foster healthy, balanced communities and nations.
1-877-534-3724 or 705-534-3724 | |
Kagita Mikam
Improve the recruitment, training and employment of Aboriginal people. Matching training needs with qualified training organizations. Matching employment goals with qualified employers.
Curve Lake: 705-657-9455 | |
Peterborough: 705-749-0101 | |
Metis Nation
Founded in the early 1990s, by the will of Ontario Métis, the Métis Nation of Ontario (MNO) represents the collective aspirations, rights and interests of Métis people and communities throughout Ontario.
705-722-5022 ext. 302 |
Niijkiwendidaa Anishnaabekwewag Services Circle
1-800-663-2696 ext: 1:3 (Employment Counselling) or 705-741-0900 |
Development and delivery of healing services for Anishnaabekwewag and their families who have been abused, are being abused, or are at risk of being abused.
Nogojiwanong Friendship Centre
The Nogojiwanong Friendship Centre strives to enhance the quality of life for Indigenous People in the City of Peterborough and the surrounding area. It provides a place of acceptance and well-being for urban Indigenous people through a wide range of community-based programs and services.
705-775-0387 | |
Peterborough Native Learning Program
Provides both Indigenous and Non-Indigenous people, New Canadians along with their families to improve communication, literacy, numeracy, and computer skills needed for success in further education and training, employment, or greater independence in life.
705-741-0798 | |
Contact North
As a community-based organization, Contact North | Contact Nord helps underserved Ontarians in 600 small, rural, remote, Indigenous, and Francophone communities get jobs by making it possible for them to access education and training without leaving their communities.
705-645-4404 |
Fleming College – Academic Upgrading
Courses in a variety of subjects including math, computers, communications, and sciences can help you move forward with goals such as entry into post-secondary, employment, apprenticeship, or refreshing and gaining new skills.
(705) 324-9144 ext. 3343 | |
Peterborough Native Learning Program
Provides both Indigenous and Non-Indigenous people, New Canadians along with their families to improve communication, literacy, numeracy, and computer skills needed for success in further education and training, employment, or greater independence in life.
705-741-0798 | |
Literacy Ontario Central South, City of Kawartha Lakes
The John Howard Society of Kawartha Lakes & Haliburton’s Outreach Literacy is a community-based program providing literacy and essential skills training in reading, writing and numeracy. Training is designed to support learners on one of the following goal paths: Apprenticeship, Employment, Post-secondary training, Secondary School Credits or Independence. Outreach Literacy serves Kawartha Lakes & Haliburton County.
705-328-0472 ext. 921 |
Trillium Lakelands District School Board, Adult & Alternative Education Center
Encouraging lifetime learning for all ages. Students age 16 and over can earn credits or upgrade skills in any of our six Adult and Alternate Education Centres. Complete a high school diploma, pursue a personal interest, explore new career options, or expand your knowledge and skills in a welcoming environment.
705-324-1564 |
John Howard Society of Kawartha Lakes & Haliburton
Programs to prevent repeat offences and delinquent behavior among youth at risk of offending.
1-888-665-6615 or 705-328-0472 |
Community Legal Clinic
Provides free legal services for persons with low income, throughout the counties of Simcoe and Haliburton and the City of Kawartha Lakes.
1-800-461-8953 |
Victim Witness Assistance Program
Support before and at criminal court; trial prep; victim advocacy, crisis intervention, and referrals.
1-855-240-2504 or 705-755-5150 |
Victim Witness Assistance Program
Support before and at criminal court; trial prep; victim advocacy, crisis intervention, and referrals.
1-855-240-2504 or 705-755-5150 |
About the City of Kawartha Lakes
City of Kawartha Lakes has a growing population of more than 75,000 residents who live in towns and rural areas spread throughout its 3,000 square kilometres. With its many lakes, rivers and natural areas, Kawartha Lakes attracts thousands of visitors and cottagers each year. It has a skilled workforce suitable for traditional sectors such as agriculture, tourism, and manufacturing as well as emerging sectors in clean technology.